Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Child rights agenda
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Universal Children’s Day and the UPR recommendations
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Creating a frontline
Pakistan’s human rights scrutiny
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Malnutrition: A hidden crisis in Pakistan
Wasting is when a child’s weight is too low for her/his height. Wasting is usually the result of acute significant food shortage and/or severe disease. Children suffering from wasting, particularly in severe cases of wasting, are more likely to die. According to the findings of the NNS 2011, 15% of children under-five years in Pakistan are wasted. As per World Health Organization’s standards, a national average of 15% or above is labelled as an “EMERGENCY”.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Children at bay
Recently there was a debate in the National Assembly, according to a section of the
press, about failure of the provinces to legislate in order to safeguard child
rights following the 18th Constitutional Amendment whereby child
rights have become a provincial subject. A parliamentary caucus has been
established to look into the situation and make recommendations. Members of the
federal legislature while showing their concern about failure of the provinces
to legislate about child rights have failed however; to recognize the fact that
the federal legislature has failed as well to legislate for areas and subjects
under its jurisdiction such as the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) and
amendments in the criminal law i.e. the Child Protection (Criminal Law
Amendment) Bill 2009.
Following the 18th Constitutional Amendment, the Concurrent Legislative List
has been deleted, leading to confusion within the relevant ministries,
departments as well as among other stakeholders on the legislative competency
of the federal legislature and existence of coordination mechanism at the
national level on the subject of children. The civil society wholeheartedly,
welcomed the 18th Amendment and has started actively coordinating
with concerned provincial government departments for related legislative and
other initiatives however, we cannot ignore the reality that the devolution
does not absolve the federal government and federal legislature of its
responsibilities towards children in light of the Constitution and Pakistan’s
international obligations being Party to the CRC and other UN and ILO
Article 25(3) of the constitution recognizes the special right of protection for
children due to their vulnerability and states “nothing in this article shall
prevent the state from making special provision for the protection of women and
children”. Similarly, according to the amended Article 142(b), the federal
legislature has the power to make laws with respect to criminal law, criminal
procedure and evidence. On the authority of these articles it can be argued
that, notwithstanding promulgation of the 18th Amendment and the consequent
legislative devolution to provincial assemblies with regard to child welfare
matters, the federal legislature cannot be prevented from making special
provisions for children and from enacting legislation relating to children`s
Another concern raised by the civil society was about the role of federal government in
maintaining a minimum standard. Who will ensure that children living in all the
seven provinces and regions have the same rights? A child protection and
welfare legislation has been introduced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but there is none
in Balochistan, FATA or even the Islamabad Capital Territory. There is no body
at the federal level with a statutory status to work for the promotion and
protection of child rights and raise such issues and concerns with the
provinces and regions. A National Commission on the Rights of Children (NCRC)
Bill is in the pipeline for the last three years without any progress though.
Having a look at the state of child rights in Pakistan in light of indicators like Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) or the benchmarks set under the Convention on the
Rights of the Child (CRC) or even the targets set under the National Plan of
Action for Children 2006, the results are depressing and we still lag far
behind in fulfilling our promises to our children. Flood emergencies in the
recent years added to the already complex challenges of conflict, terrorism, the
appalling state of the health and education sectors, and lack of legislative
initiatives combined with poor or no implementation of existing laws.
This is surprising that there is some evidence of a decreasing trend in child labour
globally. Unfortunately however, in Pakistan there has been an increase in
child labour. One of less acknowledged but potentially worst form of child
labour that is rampant in the country is child domestic labour. During the last
two and a half year we got more evidence of the way child domestic workers are
treated in the privacy of homes and the abuses they suffer. More than 20 cases
of torture to death and lifelong injuries of child domestic workers were
reported by the media from January 2010 to date starting from the famous Shazia
Masih case in Lahore. Punjab, being the province from where the highest number
deaths and disabilities through torture of the child domestic workers have been
reported, must respond to the situation immediately. Similarly, the federal
government should also realize its responsibility and check the menace of child
domestic labour in federal capital, if not in the whole country.
Another important strategy to eliminate child labour can be the implementation of Article
25-A of the Constitution whereby education has been made a fundamental right
for all children from five to sixteen years of age. There is need to enact the
Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bills at the provincial and ICT levels.
Similarly, a Right to Free and Compulsory Education Regulation needs to be
introduced for FATA. The progress on this front is very slow again and only the
Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill has been passed by the Senate of
Pakistan for the ICT which needs to be passed by the National Assembly of
Pakistan while at the provincial level the progress is slow despite the fact
the incumbent assemblies are close to completing their tenure. The Right to
Free and Compulsory Education Bills should be introduced for all provinces and
regions immediately with proper budgeting of these laws and immediate budgetary
Violence against children is widespread; at homes, in the streets and institutions and
in the criminal justice system. The unfortunate and terrible incidents like the
recent wave of suicides among children from Khyber to Karachi following
corporal punishment in schools, at homes or in madrassas are some of the
horrible examples of increasing trends of violence against children.
The growing incidence of violence against children reminds us of the importance of
legislation and mechanisms for the protection of children`s rights. Can the
state and civil society protect children? Is it all about resources or poverty
of will that has resulted in growing incidents of violence? The Prohibition of
Corporal Punishment Bills both at the federal and provincial level are
highlights how much importance is given to this important issue by the
Similarly, at the policy level no concrete steps were taken for the implementation of the
Concluding Observations and Recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights
of the Child on Pakistan’s last Periodic Report which had called for, among
other steps, approval of a national child protection policy and related laws,
increase in resource allocation for health, education and child protection,
establishment of a national commission on the rights of children and inclusion
of child rights in the training curricula of all professional training colleges
and academies.
To conclude, the need to protect children has never been greater. We all need to
work together to ensure that the rights of children enshrined in the
Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Islamic
injunctions are honored. The government and the parliament need to prioritize
child rights and immediately pass all the pending legislation. There should be
proper budgetary allocation for all children related initiatives, a national
commission should be established to work for the promotion and protection of
the rights of the child and ensure implementation of Pakistan’s national and
international obligations. A plan of action should be adopted for the
implementation of the CO&R of the UN Committee. The plight of children in
Pakistan can be improved on a sustainable basis by taking these initiatives. The
key, however, is political will.
The writer is a development practitioner and tweets @amahmood72
The artile was also published in The News on Sunday http://jang.com.pk/thenews/aug2012-weekly/nos-26-08-2012/dia.htm#5
Monday, June 18, 2012
Creating a frontline
Two important world reports were released in the past month, with direct links to newborn and maternal survival. The first, release by the World Health Organisation on May 3rd, ranked Pakistan fourth in the world for preterm births, at 748,100 per year. The report, Born too Soon, argued that shortages in qualified health workers and inadequate capacity for the care of premature babies are a major reason for the lack of progress in reducing neonatal deaths. It went on to explain how investment in health workers can considerably reduce maternal and child mortality ratio.
The lack of health workers directly impacts the quality of life for mothers. This was reflected in the second report, released by Save the Children on May 8th, where Pakistan was ranked 78 out of 80 countries under the less developed countries category on the annual Mothers’ Index. The State of the World’s Mothers, released for the thirteenth year, ranked 165 countries for being the worst and best places to be a mother. It echoed the views of Born too Soon – that health workers are the key to success. Frontline health workers have a vital role to play in promoting good nutrition in the first 1,000 days in impoverished communities in the developing world where malnutrition is too common, doctors and hospitals are often unavailable, too far away, or too expensive.
Indeed, we need more frontline health workers who are skilled and confident in newborn care. We need health clinics equipped with life-saving commodities. We need community health workers and midwives to screen children for malnutrition, treat diarrhoea, promote breastfeeding, distribute vitamins and other micronutrients, and counsel mothers on good nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. The “lifesaving six” interventions highlighted in the State of the World’s Mothers report can be delivered in many remote and impoverished places through well-trained and well-equipped community health workers. In a number of countries – including Cambodia, Malawi and Nepal – these health workers have contributed to broad-scale success in fighting malnutrition and saving lives.
Save the Children says nearly 1.3 million children’s lives could be saved each year if six interventions are fully implemented at scale in the 12 countries, including 100,000 in Pakistan, most heavily burdened by child malnutrition and under-5 mortality. With the help of frontline health workers, all six of these interventions can be delivered fairly rapidly using health systems that are already in place.What is lacking is the political will – the will to invest in inexpensive yet proven solutions that are essential to the women and children who need them most. Three of the six solutions – iron, vitamin A and zinc – are typically packaged as capsules costing pennies per dose, or about $1 to $2 per person per year. The other three solutions – breastfeeding, complementary feeding and good hygiene – are behavioural change solutions, which can be implemented through outreach, education and community support.
In Pakistan, about 100,000 Lady Health Workers (LHWs) and 4,000 Community Midwives (CMWs) exist at community level. While the government’s LHW Program is present in all districts, in reality only 60% to 65% of the whole population is covered, with many of the poorest and hardest to reach without any access at all. The Prime Minister announced an increase in the number of LHWs to 120,000 and CMWs to 16,000, although about 12,000 more CMWs need to be deployed in order to meet the World Health Organisation (WHO) criteria.
The Government of Pakistan should live up to its commitment to increase the number of LHWs and extends its commitment to increase the number of CMWs. These increases would help close the gap in health promotion and provision of services. Both the federal and provincial governments and donors should work together to fill this frontline health workers gap by recruiting, training and supporting new and existing health workers, and deploying them where they are needed most.
The provincial governments and donors are now playing a larger role in the post 18th constitutional amendment scenario as the LHW program has devolved to provinces. The appointment and training of CMWs have become provincial subjects as well and should now be prioritized by the provincial leaders.The provincial governments now need their own frontline health workers policies and strategies in light of their respective Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. This needs to be done with great urgency, given high maternal mortality ratios like that of Balochistan, at 785 per 100,000 live births. All provincial governments and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) secretariat will need to come up with policies and strategies about increasing frontline LHWs and CMWs quickly in order to put provinces and FATA on the right track towards achieving MDGs 4 and 5. Donor agencies are also required to align their support in the post 18th constitutional amendment scenario and extend technical assistance to provinces to respond to the demands in an effective manner.
The writer is an advocacy manager for Save the Children and tweets at @amahmood72.
The Article was published in The News on Sunday on June 17, 2012 http://jang.com.pk/thenews/jun2012-weekly/nos-17-06-2012/dia.htm#4
This piece was published as a blog on Save the Children Asia's website http://save-the-children-asia.mynewsdesk.com/blog_post/view/in-pakistan-health-workers-are-crucial-in-delivering-life-saving-support-to-newborns-and-mothers-13075
This was also published as a blog on Every One Campaign's page http://everyone.org/saving-newborns-in-pakistan/
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Falling short to achieve MDGs
Progress towards achieving Millinium Development Goals remains a challenge for Pakistan. MDG 4 requires a two third reduction in child mortality, whereas, MDG 5 demands a reduction of maternal mortality ratio by three quarters. There is a need to accelerate the efforts to achieve the desired results by 2015.
Globally child mortality remains a major public health problem with over 9 million children under five years of age dying each year. Of those 9 million deaths, an estimated 4 million babies die in the first 4 weeks of life (the neonatal period). Ten countries, including Pakistan, account for two-thirds of these neonatal deaths. MDG 4 cannot be met without substantial reductions in neonatal mortality.
In Pakistan 423,000 children die every year before reaching their fifth birthday (87 deaths per 1000 live births) with 46 percent of them dying in the first 4 weeks of life. Infant mortality rate is 70 per 1000 live births and under 5 mortality rate 87 per 1000 live births. The maternal mortality ratio stands at 260 deaths per 100,000 live births. Malnutrition is one of the contributing factors that accounts for 35% of all under-5 deaths in Pakistan. The National Nutrition Survey 2011 identified 15.1% under 5 children wasted, 43.6% stunted and 31.5% under weight. Child anemia is recorded at 62.5% and maternal anemia at 51%.
According to a 2008 UNICEF report, poor children with uneducated mothers, who live in rural areas or are from marginalised social and ethnic groups, are at greatest risk of early death. A Save the Children report in 2010 states, “Children in conflict-affected countries are particularly vulnerable: almost 70% of the countries with the highest child mortality burden have experienced armed conflict over the past two decades”. In Pakistan, a great majority of population is living in rural areas and literacy ratio for rural women is alarmingly low. Similarly, the situation in FATA, parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan have also exposed children to various risks.
This calls for the federal and provincial governments to take appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures to save these precious lives. There is a need to ensure full coverage of immunization and to reduce high rates of malnutrition. Similarly, it is also important to increase the number of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) as presently they are covering only 60% of the population. There is a need to invest in building their capacity for improved skills.
Furthermore, the federal and provincial governments should prioritize policies and programs on nutrition, vaccination and health workers and make sufficient budgetary allocations. Following the 18th Constitutional Amendment, provincial governments need to take lead and initiate ventures to improve the situation in their respective provinces. Donors also have an important role to play to support the provincial governments to effectively handle the added responsibilities.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
FATA reforms: rhetoric or reality
When the parliamentary committee was established for framing 18th constitutional amendment, FATA reforms were part of its terms of reference and there was representation from FATA as well. Surprisingly however, there was no amendment in the 18th Constitutional Amendment Act 2010 related to FATA. Article 1, 246 and 247 of the constitution are still intact and FATA has the same status as it had ever.
In response to the growing demand for reforms in FATA, in August last year the President introduced the Frontier Crimes (Amendment) Regulation 2011 and extended Political Parties Order 2002 to FATA. The nation was informed that major changes have been made in FCR and now children below 16, women and elderly will not be arrested under the collective responsibility clause of the FCR; there will be a right to appeal against the judgements of the political agents.
While going through the Frontier Crimes (Amendment) Regulation 2011 one comes to the conclusion that there is no major change in the FCR and even this regulation was introduced to divert attention from the Actions (in Aid of Civil Power) Regulation 2011introduced earlier same year with more stringent and inhuman sentences and procedures in complete violation of the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution and the international human rights laws. Human rights activists consider it stringent than FCR as it has also introduced death sentence which was not a part of the FCR.
The long standing demand of extending the jurisdiction of superior judiciary to FATA has been ignored once again and the collective responsibility clause is still very much a part of the FCR. National laws will still require to be extended to FATA by the president and no legislation is automatically applicable to FATA unless extended there by the president i.e. the women of FATA will remain deprived of the recently enacted Women Protection (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act 2011 unless it is extended to FATA by the president.
Most of the political commentators and civil society representatives term the reforms inadequate as in the presence of the Article 247 of the constitution the people of FATA are still not the full citizens of Pakistan. Article 1 needs to be amended in order to give FATA the status of a full federating unit by declaring it a part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or giving it the status of a separate province in accordance with the right to self determination of the people of FATA.
Article 1 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, describes FATA as a part of Pakistan and Article 247 describes the manner in which the area is to be administered. “Under Article 247 (3), no act of Parliament is applicable to FATA or any part thereof unless the President of Pakistan so directs. The Governor of [KP] acts as the ‘agent’ to the President of Pakistan” but under Article 247 (7), the tribal areas are excluded from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the High Court of [KP] until Parliament makes law in this regard however, the parliament is not fully authorized to do so.
Under Article 199 (14) and 184 (3) & (5), the High Courts and the Supreme Court can ensure the enforcement of fundamental human rights. In view of the fact, however, that FATA is excluded from the Courts’ jurisdiction under Article 247(7), the enforcement of fundamental rights cannot be foreseen. Under the Article 2-A and 175 of the Constitution, an independent judiciary has to be established, but there is no court in FATA what to talk of an independent one. Not a single human rights provision in the Constitution is possible to be applied.
Only one solid positive step is the extension of the Political Parties Order to FATA that will be helpful for political parties in initiating their activities in FATA and subsequently putting issues like FATA reforms in the manifestos of mainstream political parties. This may result in some positive reforms including the status of FATA and the repeal of discriminatory laws in future. This is what the ruling alliance is telling the civil society when asked about FATA reforms knowing well that this will be meaningless without constitutional amendments.
With the above analyses one can safely come to the conclusion that the FATA reforms in its present shape are a gimmick or rhetoric and it is not going to bring any lasting changes in the lives of the people of FATA and is going to play no role in bringing them into mainstream and upholding their human rights.
This is unfortunate that despite repeated commitments, this government and the present parliament lost an important opportunity to bring FATA into mainstream and ensure the people of FATA their rights in light of the constitution and Pakistan’s international obligations being party to the international bill of rights, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ratified on April 17, 2008, and other important human rights treaties such as the Convention Against Torture, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CESAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) etc.
The president, the government and above all the parliament should look into the FATA reforms issue in light of the demands of the people of FATA and Pakistan’s international obligations and should recommit themselves to bringing genuine reforms in accordance with the wishes of the people of the FATA. Amendments shall be made in Article 1, 246 and 247 of the Constitution not only to bring FATA into mainstream but also to ensure protection of the fundamental rights of the people of FATA. Similarly, jurisdiction of the superior courts should be extended and the Parliament shall be empowered to legislate for FATA and all relevant laws of the country shall be applicable to FATA without any condition of extension by the president.
The writer holds a Masters in Human Rights from the London School of Economics and is the Executive Director of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.
Published in Islamabad Dateline on January 31, 2012